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October 16, 2020

The importance of today’s lead-in headline, “Trump administration rejects California’s disaster assistance request for wildfires,” is understated if you don’t know the context. In simplistic terms, after the horrendous damage suffered by the state with out-of-control fires, it’s all…


June 29, 2020

#FindVanessaGuillen. As the nation hurdles towards the November 2020 presidential election, Trump’s presidency is unraveling with each new report emerging underscoring his incompetence, corruption, nepotism and, of course, his racism and narcissism. So, he is fighting back the only…


December 16, 2019

It’s funny how that old saying “What goes around comes around” is so true. For example, there’s a judge invoking a law the GOP created to block Obama and now is being used to stop Trump; Another whistleblower comes…

LatinaLista — One of the coolest sites online is a section that can be found at the Newseum, a site dedicated to the news media. One of the features on the site is the compilation of the front pages…