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Guatemala: We depend on the USA to conduct a good election

By Mayra Beltran de Daetz

GUATEMALA: We all know that USA is one of the world-power nations and that the Latin American countries all depend on its stability to continue growing, or at least to maintain a certain stability in our economy.
Some in Guatemala are indifferent if one or the other wins the U.S. presidential race — Barack Obama or John McCain. For others, it does make a difference as was seen in the comments penned by a local newspaper columnist at one of the country’s most popular newspapers. His comments have us all thinking about what he wrote.

John McCain is seen as a continuity in the policies of the administration of Bush, which aggravated many problems of the world. The columnist mentions the educational level and experience of the McCain team, which also leaves much to be desired.
The McCain player in question is the 44-year-old lady who does not have any greater experience than being the governor of Alaska. Also, the fact that she did not possess a passport until last year indicates that she does not know anything of the world and her résumé vitae leaves much to be desired.
On the other side, we find Obama and Joe Biden, who possesses experience as a senator of 26 years and an expert in foreign policy. Obama comes from a stable family, with a complete vision of the world, its problems and its solutions, and graduated from Harvard. Besides Obama has offered to legalize the migrants lacking identity papers and wants to build a friendly relation with Latin America. He is considered a sincere person.
Guatemalans have seen, through the different media and television, how McCain attacks Obama. To us, it shows McCain’s insecurity and worry that Obama has the advantage over him. Throughout all these attacks, Obama has excelled in his serenity and self-control. He showed this in each debate when he chose to return to the important issues, such as the economy instead of being distracted towards personal attacks.
We understand there exists marked differences between their platforms, such as raising or lowering taxes, the costs of healthcare, etc. But what remains more than clear is that not only in the USA but also around the world, there is wide support for Obama.

According to a market study carried out in different countries, Obama has the greatest popularity in France, and is followed by such countries as Iceland, Sweden, Germany, Holland, Italy and Canada. This interesting poll was carried out by Worldwide Independent Network of Market Research and their margin of error is between the 2.5 and 4.8%.
That Obama had to temporarily leave the campaign to go to Hawaii to visit his seriously sick grandmother illustrates, I believe, that he is a person with values very well-grounded. In contrast, the comments regarding Palin and the costly purchase of her wardrobe, allow us to ultimately see where are her priorities.
I consider news that there has been a massive voter turnout in early voting, together with the anticipated voter turnout on November 4, to be a very good sign.
We in Latin America expect that the U.S. does a good election, since not only the destiny of the USA depends on it, but also Latin America and the rest of the world. We depend on a good election.
It is my desire that the people who have in their hands the destiny of such world power, analyze their vote and investigate the best option. We expect that no matter the results, change will take place which will help us to improve this convoluted world.
Learn more about Mayra:
Mayra Etna Beltrán Molina de Daetz is a native-born Guatemalan who lives in Guatemala City with her husband and teenage son. After attending one of the most noted secretarial schools in the country, Mayra graduated with a secretarial certification — and the ability to speak and write English, as well as, know French.
Yet, she wanted more of a career and so she took architect and graphic design classes at a local university in Guatemala City. Unable to finish her university studies due to finances, Mayra became a stewardess and has over 100 hours in the air.
Yet, she always wanted to be involved with the media and so she returned to school and was able to get a degree in sales and marketing.
As a result, she has worked for a weekly magazine and a newspaper.

I have had opportunity to attend International congresses, in which I have known very important people at the more important international newspapers, which has been a very gratifying experience and has allowed me to have friendships outside of my country.

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