by Gina Carroll Mom’s Clean Air Force Mom’s Clean Air Force has been highlighting the alarming disparities in the amount of air pollution among diverse communities. The fact is: the browner and poorer the community, the poorer the air…

SaludToday The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) has announced a Latina among the 10 recipients of the Young Leader Awards: Recognizing Leadership for a Healthier America. The honorees, recognized at a ceremony in Princeton, N.J., were chosen because they…

By Adriana Dominguez CBC Diversity English is not my first language, though this statement doesn’t ring quite as true now that I have spent most of my life living in the United States, speaking and working in English. But…

By Katherine Leal Unmuth Latino Ed Beat Education hasn’t been one of the top issues being discussed in the run up to the presidential election. But for Latino voters, it is perhaps the most important issue. A recent survey…

By Sara Inés Calderón Más Wired Latinos between the ages of 18 and 34 tend to be more entrepreneurial than their white or African American counterparts, according to a recent report from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, which supports…

By Sara Inés Calderón Más Wired A recent analysis of 20,000 venture-backed companies in the U.S. from 1997 to 2011 found that, when women are in senior positions, companies tend to do better. An article in Business Week noted:…

By Diana Bejarano Latina Still Standing I know most mothers in general are usually very protective of their children – but there is something about a Latina mother and protecting her “ninos y ninas.” There is also something to…

By Katherine Leal Unmuth Latino Ed Beat During his time in power, El Paso Public Schools superintendent Lorenzo Garcia sought to identify struggling students who hurt the district’s ratings and then worked to push them out of the system….

Mary Liepold Peace X Peace Here’s the data. Costa Rica ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the international women’s bill of rights, in 1986, and its Optional Protocol in 2001. (The US…

By Dustin Mendus Más Wired Mobile app Voxy, which helps people learn English, now incorporates a user’s music into its language lessons. Voxy has launched a new service allowing customers to learn English by listening to music. We previously…

By Sara Inés Calderón Más Wired Jean Rockford Aguilar-Valdez is a doctoral student studying equity in science education and a former science teacher. She’s been doing research at a high school in North Carolina with a 15% Latino population,…

By Diana Bejarano Latina Still Standing A Latina Still Standing survivor who beat the odds! For six months, while going through chemotherapy and radiation treatments, she woke up every day, rallied up the strength to go to work as…

By Yifat Susskind Peace X Peace “They are among the most marginalized people, suffering at the hands of governments playing political games with their lives. In my travels to Cuba and Palestine, I have seen this firsthand.” *** “Blockade”…