Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Causes > Social Justice > Video: Hawaiian judge creates new program for parolees that gives HOPE they won’t return behind bars

Video: Hawaiian judge creates new program for parolees that gives HOPE they won’t return behind bars

LatinaLista — The penal system is big business in the United States, especially when most of the inmates go through the revolving door. Those released on probation usually find themselves back behind bars after violating their probations – at some point.

Most court systems will admit that keeping ex-cons accountable to their probation officers – showing up for scheduled appointments, taking drug tests, paying fines, etc. — is a lost cause. Mainly, because parolees don’t keep their appointments because there’s no real consequences for missing those appointments — unless they’re in Hawaii.

A judge in Hawaii is giving “HOPE” that change is possible by implementing a new type of program that makes parolees accountable for their (in)actions and less likely that they will find themselves back behind bars.

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