There was hope at the end of last week for migrants denied waiting in the US for asylum requests. Yet, at the 11th hour, the DOJ intervened and guess what happened; The 2020 Census is now online; The US…
Wrapping up his trip to India, Trump held a press conference (though his White House hasn’t had a press briefing in 300+ days and that’s unprecedented; The Conversation). During his briefing, Trump made it known he didn’t like what…
A judge (with a Latino surname) just told Trump something he’s not going to like. The question is: Will he ignore it or do what the judge says; So, why did a FL police officer arrest a 6 and…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
I Used to Love America: How a Racist Jail System Changed Me
By Christine Alegre Juvenile Justice Information Exchange I used to love America, I believed in the “American dream.” I am the child of Peruvian immigrants who came to America seeking a better life and who, for the most…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
Parole Boards Bar Young Offenders From Chance of Release, ACLU Report Says
By Sarah Barr Juvenile Justice Information & Exchange In the wake of Supreme Court decisions that have limited extreme sentences for juveniles, states are relying on parole boards to put those rulings into effect. But those boards operate with little…
Crowdfunding, zNew Headline
Crowdfunder: Giving prisoners a voice in reforming prisons
LatinaLista — Campaign: UPLC Visits Illinois Prisons Uptown People’s Law Center (UPLC) is a grassroots nonprofit law office that has been fighting for prisoners’ rights for decades. They currently have nine class action lawsuits to improve Illinois’ terrible jail…
Global Views, zNew Headline
Venezuela Considered LatAm’s Most Corrupt: Report
By David Gagne InSight Crime Venezuela is yet again perceived as the most corrupt country in Latin America, according to a new report by Transparency International, suggesting that President Nicolas Maduro has a long way to go in terms…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: Racial profiling of young men of color is a Civil Rights issue that needs to be fixed
By Cynthia D. Mares LatinaLista As attorneys, Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) lawyers have a responsibility to ensure that our legal system is just, that police officers who use undue force are held accountable, and that broken policies such…
Local News, U.S.-Mexico border, zNew Headline
U.S. Congressmen Demand Freedom for US citizen and Mexican police commander Nestora Salgado
Frontera NorteSur The imprisonment of a Mexican woman police commander is increasingly a hot issue between the United States and Mexico. Nine members of the U.S. Congress sent a letter August 29 to Secretary of State John Kerry urging…
Crowdfunding, zNew Headline
Crowdfunding Campaign: Reporting on the Legacy of Mass Incarceration
LatinaLista — Campaign: Reporting on the Legacy of Mass Incarceration The United States spends $80 billion per year on prisons and jails. About 2.2 million Americans are behind bars on any given day, while more than 4.5 million are…
By Jacob Fiscler Juvenile Justice Information Exchange MISSION, Texas — A group of Honduran immigrants who had crossed into the United States illegally frantically waved down a deputy constable’s Chevy Tahoe as it approached them on a dirt road…
Social Justice, Videos, zNew Headline
Video: Hawaiian judge creates new program for parolees that gives HOPE they won’t return behind bars
LatinaLista — The penal system is big business in the United States, especially when most of the inmates go through the revolving door. Those released on probation usually find themselves back behind bars after violating their probations – at…
Great Plains, Local News, zNew Headline
Oklahoma Weighs Moving More Inmates to Private Prisons, Or Buying a Private Prison
By Clifton Adcock Oklahoma Watch The Oklahoma Board of Corrections is looking at three options to deal with overcrowding at the state’s prison facilities: expanding public prisons, contracting for more private-prison beds, and buying or leasing one of the…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
Report Urges Ban on Detaining Youth Offenders Guilty of Only “Status Offenses”
By Gary Gately Juvenile Justice Information Exchange WASHINGTON – They’re known as status offenders – youths who commit offenses that wouldn’t even be considered offenses but for their age: truancy, running away from home, curfew violations, alcohol or tobacco…
Videos, zNew Headline
Video: Former foster child fosters empathy with interactive story about children who ‘age out’ of foster care
LatinaLista — The foster care system is supposed to save children from abusive or neglectful parents. The children are separated from their parents for their own well-being but too many children suffer from being in the foster care system….