Latina Lista > Causes > Social Justice > Video: Increasing the minimum wage — a debate that doesn’t add up

Video: Increasing the minimum wage — a debate that doesn’t add up

LatinaLista — The issue of what is a fair wage has garnered increasing debate with the House of Representatives’ opposition to federally increase the minimum wage. This legislative void has spurred more states to take up the cause and pass their own minimum wage increases.

In this featured video, journalist Bill Moyers interviews activist Saru Jayaraman of Restaurant Opportunities Centers United who is spearheading a national outrage over the control big business has on legislators’ votes in passing an increase in the minimum wage.

The interview highlights who is behind in oppressing minimum wage workers and the reasons why “All work and no pay” has made a segment of the U.S. population dependent on social services just to survive.

All Work and No Pay from on Vimeo.

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