Latina Lista > Causes > Philanthropy > Crowdfunding Campaign: Supplying underserved youth with laptops to build mobile apps

Crowdfunding Campaign: Supplying underserved youth with laptops to build mobile apps

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Campaign: Supplying underserved youth with laptops to build mobile apps

The mission is to create the most innovative and engaging Mobile App Foundry, where students, especially girls, in underserved communities can easily learn computer programming while launching scalable and profitable businesses.

The campaign’s organizers are looking to teach 50 students, especially girls, from underserved communities in Chicago, how to build mobile apps this summer.

Think. Build. Pitch. is a 4-week, intensive summer camp that engages young people, ages 13-18, how to think critically, and build solid business plans around their technology solutions.

Women and minorities are under represented in the field of technology and Project Tech Teens is here to address that need through our summer program and year long, in school offerings.

The funds raised in this KickStarter will be used to provide each student with a free laptop (addressing the huge digital divide that currently exists in Chicago), access to field trips at some of Chicago’s hottest tech companies like Groupon, Spot Hero, and Base Camp.

At the end of the four weeks, students, in groups, will present their mobile app solution to a panel of judges for a chance to win up to $10, 000.00 in cash and prizes.

The campaign’s goal is $7,500 and ends July 14.

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