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Historic Swearing In of First Hispanic Justice to Connecticut Supreme Court

By Wayne Jebian


Carmen Espinosa is now the first Hispanic Connecticut Supreme Court Justice. She is one of only eight Latino state supreme court justices in the United States and the first Puerto Rican. She was sworn in by Judge Jose Cabranes, 2nd Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals, who is a native of Puerto Rico. Here are some of the sentiments shared during the ceremonial 30-minute swearing-in held in front of a standing room only audience at the State Capitol.

(Please click to see our complete photo gallery from the historic event.)

“This is another glass ceiling broken by the Latino community in the state of Connecticut.”
State Sen. Andres Ayala (D-Bridgeport)

“I feel proud, so proud. She is a wonderful girl, a wonderful daughter.”
Amada Espinosa, who brought the then three-year old Carmen to the United States from Puerto Rico.

“I was so very, very proud to elevate her from one court to another court and now to a third court. It is a great pleasure to be celebrating her swearing-in today. It cannot go without saying that she has been a trailblazer. She was the first in her family to graduate from college, the first Hispanic judge to serve in the Superior Court, the first Hispanic Judge to sit on the Appellate Court, and now has become the first Hispanic Justice on the Supreme Court.”
Gov. Dannel P. Malloy

“In addition to her outstanding legal skills, Justice Espinosa brings a unique perspective to the court.
She was one of the first women hired as a special agent for the FBI. In addition to her outstanding legal skills, Justice Espinosa brings a unique perspective to the court. Quite simply, she has spent a lifetime opening doors.”
Connecticut State Supreme Court Chief Justice Chase Rogers

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