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Jesus, Virgin Mary and Obama immortalized in toast

By Raymond Ruiz
The Venture

Normal toasters are tamed and subdued by unfortunate limitations; but great toasters rise above them and become Jesus & Virgin Mary Toasters, ” claims Burnt Impressions, a fledgling company that sells toasters with iconic images browned into the bread.

The Vermont startup sparked a media firestorm in 2010 when they sent out a press release touting their “Jesus Toaster”. Resulting publicity sent orders skyrocketing as the small company struggled to keep up with demand.

Founded by Owen Mercon and Galen Dively, the company sends a Chinese manufacturer a stencil of the image they want emblazoned, and the toaster is then shipped to the U.S. for distribution.

Mercon and Dively got the idea when they were wrapping Christmas presents in 2009. They saw a toaster with a cartoon character on the bread and had an epiphany. The pair would sell customized toasters with provocative images and some irreverant humor.

According to Mercon, during the holidays the company sells about 100 toasters a day.

When you have a bad case of the munchies do you really reach for toast?

If you find toast with the image of Jesus or Mary sacrilegious, than you might be happy with a snack that touts peace or a pot leaf on either side…

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