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Oklahoma has no ñ’s

By Juan Miret
Hispano de Tulsa

It does not matter what the statistics say or what the census advises. The truth is that Oklahoma does not have any ñletters. Maybe it is because that letter does not exist in the English alphabet that we have been excluded from the map.

I say this because Oklahoma does not care that the Hispanic population has almost doubled in a decade. Yes, we went from about 180,000 Hispanics in 2000 to more than 330,000 in 2010.

In plain English: the Hispanic population in the state reached 8.9 percent, becoming the largest minority ethnic group. And we have even surpassed the Native Americans.

But still, there are no signs of the ñ. All one has to do is take a look at our congressional delegation: seven members and none is Hispanic. That makes it difficult to promote and develop economic, education, tax and immigration policies that are related or at least have a tiny bearing on the needs of the Hispanic community.

And the Hispanic community is very diverse. We are not a monolith; we are different. One cannot assume that we all like the tango or we love to eat spicy food that incinerates our taste buds. But what is a sure thing is that we share common roots…

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