Latina Lista > Local News > West > Our Lady of Guadalupe unites San Diego Catholics

Our Lady of Guadalupe unites San Diego Catholics

By Pablo Jaime Sainz
La Prensa San Diego

SAN DIEGO — The Confederacion Guadalupana of the Diocese of San Diego will have its traditional procession of Guadalupe.

The Virgin Mary is one of the most controversial figures in Christianity. Many Protestant denominations accuse Roman Catholics of worshiping Our Lady of Guadalupe, turning her, they say, into almost a goddess.

But Catholics defend themselves by ensuring that the Virgin of Guadalupe is only an intercessor between them and Jesus Christ.

Without doubt, despite the controversies, the Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which is officially celebrated on December 12, is one of the most important in the Catholic calendar, especially among Mexicans and Latin Americans, including those who reside in the United States.

San Diego is no exception, especially because of its proximity to the border. That’s why…

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