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Two young Latinas learn how to build a race car from a refrigerator

By Nikoleta Morales
Extra News


If you don’t believe you can turn a refrigerator into a race car, think again. The young girls participating in ComEd’s Icebox Derby program prove that not only you can build a race car from an old refrigerator, but you can also race with it.

“I didn’t think you could turn a refrigerator into a car but I guess it’s possible. It’s a matter of getting the right things you need and putting it together,” said 13-year-old freshman Sofia Santamaria from the #Chillcrew team.

Together with the Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana, Girls4Science and the Chicago Urban League, ComEd created the Icebox Derby initiative to help educate and empower young women to explore opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields through a challenging and engaging competition.

Eligible participants were asked to complete an application and essay describing why the Iceboxbox Derby is a unique opportunity to them and how they plan to explore a future in STEM fields as means to reinforce participation and commitment to the overall mission.

“I like STEM because it is easy and is relatable to everyday life. It is easy to solve problems,” said 15-year-old sophomore Alma Gonzalez from the #GirlsOnIce team.

The Icebox Derby challenges…

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