Latina Lista > Culture > Art > Puerto Rican “Decimista” Lourdes Perez featured in new online film series promoting artists

Puerto Rican “Decimista” Lourdes Perez featured in new online film series promoting artists

LatinaLista — Puerto Rican artist, Lourdes Perez, is described as a “recording artist, songwriter, composer, arranger, poet, vocalist and guitarist.” Yet, she is also only one of a handful of female decimistas.
Decima is a specialized form of Spanish poetry. Lourdes has become world renown for her treatment and performance of the genre and is considered to be “among the great Latin American female vocalists.”
Another admirable thing Lourdes does is promote human rights and dignity around the world. From holding a concert at a Palestinian refugee camp in Bethlehem to writing a song for the people of Sierra Blanca, Texas as part of a campaign against converting their low-income border community into nuclear waste dumping grounds, Lourdes sings to ease the plights and raise awareness of what is happening to the people in the world who have been rendered voiceless.
Unfortunately, not enough people in the Latino community (and outside) know of Lourdes and her fantastic singing abilities and human rights accomplishments. To get the word out to mas gente about Lourdes and her music, an unique film series has been created to highlight artists such as Lourdes.
The project is called Encounter: USA Fellows and is a collaboration between United States Artists and the Los Angeles-based film company City Projects. In total, 14 short videos (available online) featuring different artists from around the United States comprise this part of a global project which attempts to introduce artists to a wider audience and provide a peek into their creative processes.
The videos are high-quality and are a convenient way to become acquainted with artists like Lourdes whom we all should take the time to know and appreciate.

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