Latina Lista > Culture > Books > New cookbook whips up dishes in the name of peace

New cookbook whips up dishes in the name of peace

LatinaLista — What do Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mia Farrow and Rigoberta Menchù Tum have in common?


Well, aside from being advocates for peace, they also happen to share book credit in a special new cookbook called “Ingredients for Peace.”

The 141-page cookbook, which supports the work of the Nobel Women’s Initiative, features such dishes as “Tutu Chicken,” “Peace Bean Salad” and “Activist Pasta” from Nobel Peace Prize Laureates and over 60 activists worldwide.

Sprinkled among the recipes are personal observations by the contributors, along with, short “peace bios” to let readers know exactly what area of peace for which each contributor advocates.

“…There are human rights activists and disarmament types — from landmines and cluster bombs to nuclear bombs. There are people who work with refugee populations and those who try innovative means of conflict resolution. There are activists who do not believe nuclear energy is either “clean” or “sustainable.” There are those who work for environmental justice and other supporting international humanitarian laws.”

In addition to the recipes, peace bios and thoughtful commentary are also the URLs to organizations’ web sites that cover a number of peace related issues.

For some in the world, the idea of peace is hard to swallow but this cookbook shows just how “fulfilling” it can be when people come together.

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