Latina Lista > Life Issues > Education > Government creates new site to help with the college decision

Government creates new site to help with the college decision

LatinaLista — The value of a college education is taking on new meaning these days in a tight economy but there’s no doubt that a college degree is essential for people who want to practice a profession and have a career rather than just a job.

While there are college websites to help with financial aid or finding the right college, there aren’t that many that try to explain why it’s important to go to college. A new government website called tries to answer those questions by linking to other sources that help people undecided about their future find the career for them, understand why it’s important to go to college, how an education impacts their future salary, where to find the money to go to school and how to maneuver through the whole system.
The theme of the site is a highway with billboards that come alive with stories by people as to why they went to college. All in all, the site creates an easy one-stop “rest area” to gather thoughts and information to help make one of the most important decisions in any person’s life.

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