Latina Lista > Life Issues > Children > New initiative wants everyone to Take Our Daughters to the Polls

New initiative wants everyone to Take Our Daughters to the Polls

LatinaLista — Everyone’s heard of Take Our Daughters (and Sons) to Work Day. Now, there’s a new initiative and it’s called Take Our Daughters to the Polls.
From its title, you can tell what it’s referring to but do you know why it’s important for young girls to see the role models in their families go vote?

It’s bien importante because “the U.S. currently ranks an astounding 71st in the world in women’s political representation. Women leaders make up just 16% of the Senate, 23% of state legislatures, and 10% of big city mayors.”
At the Take Our Daughters to the Polls web site, parents/guardians and daughters can access “toolkits” which have links to voting web sites and primers for adults on how to talk to girls about votes, issues and the election process.
There are also pledges for adults and daughters to print out affirming their commitment to going to the polls together.
There’s even a cute video that shows girls just how far women have come — and how much farther we need to go.

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