By Felipe Benitez and Betsy López-Wagner LatinaLista Mobilizing voters of color during the most important election of our lifetime has been one of the greatest honors of our lifetimes. This work, the real work, is done at the hyper-personal level, by weaving…
Trump’s dramatic return to the White House from Walter Reed hospital delivered the kind of optics he not only craves but orchestrates on a predictable basis. So, it’s not so farfetched for many to ask: Should the US be…
News that Trump hasn’t paid his taxes for a decade, according to the New York Times discovery, didn’t surprise many Americans. In fact, most intelligent people assumed it was the case. Yet, the extent that he’s been getting away…
How can you tell if someone is following the conspiracy-theory-of-choice these days, otherwise known as QAnon? One of the crazy things they believe is that the economy is “the best” it’s ever been. Yeah, right. They obviously don’t understand…
Trump’s immigration restrictionists have had a field day during the pandemic in contorting the nation’s immigration policies to fit their goal of eliminating Mexican migration. First, they blamed migrants. Now, they have a new target. This time, they could…
Overnight, Trump declared he was “suspending immigration” into the U.S. Is it a prudent move or maybe retaliation for some countries refusing to accept deported immigrants from US; This amid a federal judge ordered ICE to release detainees at…
Lines at food banks are getting longer. Layoffs are getting more prevalent. Whole industries are predicted to go extinct. Bank accounts are shrinking. As self-isolation goes from staycation mode to anxious panic, those needing money to pay for essentials…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
Will Hispanic voters swing US presidential election?
By Clifton B. Parker Futurity Hispanics are the largest ethnic minority group in the United States, and their concerns will have a major impact on the 2016 presidential election. Stanford University historian Albert Camarill speaks here about their influence,…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
How to encourage better and more meaningful political participation in the US
By Ethan Frey Ford Foundation Every two to four years, there is a lot of conversation about how to increase voter turnout and participation in the United States. Some helpful facts resurface: Americans’ affiliations with organizations that purport to…
Social Good, zNew Headline
New app hopes to inspire Latino Millennials to be informed and engaged in upcoming presidential election
LatinaLista — In a January study, the Pew Research Center found that Latino Millennials will make up almost half of eligible Hispanic voters in 2016. The big challenge is how to reach and motivate this group to turn out…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
How universal design can help every voter cast a ballot
By Juan E. Gilbert The Conversation In the 2012 presidential election, 15.6 million people with disabilities reported voting, leaving people without disabilities to make up the remaining 110 million votes cast. The turnout rate for voters with disabilities…
Politics, Politics, zNew Headline
How come the “nation’s largest living generation” doesn’t have a bigger turnout at the polls?
LatinaLista — A recent NPR headline asked: Why Don’t Bernie Sanders’ Big Rallies Lead To Big Wins? It’s no secret that the vast majority attending Sanders’ rallies have been millennials. His message resonating with this age group has made…
Tech, zNew Headline
New tech platform just made politicians’ job harder ignoring constituent voices
LatinaLista — It’s no secret that this presidential campaign, or more accurately, some of the candidates, have spurred people, who were not registered to vote, to gather up all their forms of “acceptable” ID and make sure their names…
By Ben Pryor The Conversation (Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. ) During President Obama’s final State of the Union address, he called for reforms to the voting process, saying, “We’ve got…
Commentary, Political Commentary, Politics, Politics, Red, White & Azul, zNew Headline
Commentary: Latino Access to Meaningful Political Representation at Stake in “One Person, One Vote” U.S. Supreme Court Case
By NALEO Educational Fund LatinaLista Changes to how nation draws state legislative districts could result in approximately 55 percent of the Latino population being excluded if only eligible voters were counted. Less than one year away from Election…
Politics, zNew Headline
New analysis of generational differences hints to a different future for Latinos
LatinaLista — Latinos are not of one single country, history, customs, traditions or accent. Yet some pollsters, researchers, politicians and the proverbial "man/woman-in-the-street" still have trouble seeing Latinos as anything but homogenous. Frankly, Hispanic Heritage Month doesn't help the…
By Obed Manuel Latina Lista 5. Not enough of us maintain a healthy diet According to the latest findings by the State of Obesity, 77 percent of adult Latinos in the U.S. are obese or overweight. The report…
Northeast, zNew Headline
The Latinos of East Hartford still (politically) settling in?
By Bill Sarno East Hartford’s Latinos make up over nearly one-third of the town’s population of 52,000 residents. This, many might expect, would lead to producing easily identifiable Latino leadership and institutions along with more commensurate political influence. …
General, Politics, Politics, Red, White & Azul, zNew Headline
New Census report shows critical segment of Latino population not voting
LatinaLista — Ever since Obama came into office, Republicans in Congress have tried to block, stall and thwart any policy or issue Obama and the Democrats wanted to pass. It’s a tactic that has not only garnered the Legislative…
By Anita Kar Futurity A new study suggests a part of the brain called the lateral orbitofrontal cortex (LOFC) helps us make choices when we have to combine different sources of data, such when we vote. In addition, researchers…
Local News, South, zNew Headline
San Antonio site of first rollout of bilingual mobile app to boost voting
By Natalie Bobadilla La Prensa Texas is the state with the lowest voter turnout in the United States, but a mobile application aims to change this picture. On Thursday afternoon, the ThinkVoting and OCI Group companies launched The Voting…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: Race and Beyond: Why Young, Minority, and Low-Income Citizens Don’t Vote
By Sam Fulwood III LatinaLista On Tuesday, voters across the United States cast their ballots in the 2014 midterm elections. As with any election, there are winners and losers. But, dear reader, this column offers neither post-election analysis nor…
Politics, zNew Headline
Eligible Latino voters don’t yet make voting a priority
LatinaLista — Latino voters have the opportunity to, as they say, “rock the vote.” Unfortunately, in most elections, we can’t even accomplish a slight nudge. Though Latinos comprise 11.3 percent of all eligible voters, the civic duty of showing…
Politics, Youth, zNew Headline
Report reveals young adult voters losing interest showing up at the polls
LatinaLista — With the line blurring between politicians and celebrities, it’s no wonder that voting rates among young voters (18-29) has fallen off over the last few years. In Hollywood-speak, there isn’t a “box office” name at the polls…
Palabra Final, Politics, zNew Headline
New report reveals Millennials of color having to overcome more challenges to perform civic duty
LatinaLista — It doesn’t take a genius to know that the surest way to instill the pride of civic participation in young voters is to make the experience positive. But a new report from the multi-racial civil rights organization…