Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Life Issues > Children > More Latina mothers depend on abuelos to take care of children than husband

More Latina mothers depend on abuelos to take care of children than husband

LatinaLista — When it comes to the childcare arrangement of preschoolers these days, it seems fathers or grandparents are the most likely to be found tucking kids in at naptime.


In the new U.S. Census report Who’s Minding the Kids? Child Care Arrangements: Spring 2005/Summer 2006, researchers uncovered data that finally supports what’s been known for a while — more mothers are working outside the home than staying home with the kids, and these moms turn most often to the abuelos — 23percent, (grandparents) or children’s father, 16 percent, to watch the kids.


Yet, the analysis uncovered some new data as well.

When it comes to different ethnic groups, each has a different attitude regarding who can be trusted caring for the children.

Preschoolers with Black, Hispanic, or Asian mothers were more likely to be cared for by their grandparents than their fathers. Hispanic mothers were twice as likely to rely on care from a sibling or other relative (19 percent) as non- Hispanic White mothers (7 percent).

Unfortunately, the one constant that appears in this report and has long been the case — since at least 1987 — is that for families who live in poverty, a greater portion of their monthly income is being spent on child care than what other families spend.

In 2005, these poorer families ended up spending on average 29 percent of their income compared to only 7 percent of families who live above the poverty level.

It’s a statistic that lends credence to the argument that quality childcare must be made affordable to every family.

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