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November 19, 2021

The pandemic proved to be a wake-up call for nations that depend on the global supply chain. Bringing home…


November 18, 2021

Media outlets report that minutes after being censured by his peers for tweeting a violent video targeting Ocasio Coortez,…


November 17, 2021

Ever since Biden was elected President, Mexico’s leadership has been sending mixed signals. However, it appears Mexico’s President is…


November 16, 2021

Countries around the world are suffering the effects of climate change, poor economies, dwindling food and water resources, rising…


November 15, 2021

The global climate summit, COP26, is over. Some argue so is hope for saving the planet; College enrollment may…


November 12, 2021

Whether it’s a GOP Rep. creating a violent meme depicting him killing a Dem colleague or GOP politicians threatening…