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November 8, 2023

Standing in a 45-minute line to vote in one of the many state elections held across the US yesterday,…


November 7, 2023

At every legislative and federal turn, it seems women’s rights are eroding. Even though the Catholic Church has made…


November 6, 2023

One of the accomplishments of Trump’s tenure as Commander-in-Chief was the normalization of lying. He showed us all how…


November 3, 2023

The climate scientist who first warned the world of the escalating dangers of a changing climate issued a new…


November 2, 2023

As the weather gets colder, it’s not surprising to hear more coughs and loud sniffing from our fellow humans….


November 1, 2023

Overnight news that one of the more fastest-growing co-working spaces, WeWork, is filing for bankruptcy shouldn’t negate the benefits…