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Video: Latino technology entrepreneur transforms science fiction into reality one ‘cara’ at a time

LatinaLista — Jason Sosa describes himself as a ‘Buccaneer Scholar.” He defines it as “anyone whose love of learning is not muzzled or shackled by any institution or authority; whose mind is driven to wander and find its own place in the world.”

It’s that type of thinking, not to mention the inspiration of some classic science fiction authors, that enabled Sosa to bring the future to the present with his company Immersive Labs, a technology company that takes a futuristic approach in developing “real time, real world data analysis.”

In this case, the kind of data analysis this technology entrepreneur is talking about is face detection. Sosa’s company is working on advertising displays reminiscent of that seen in the Tom Cruise film “Minority Report.” Sosa wants to create advertisements tailored to individuals based on data gathered by the company’s CARA camera software that uses facial recognition technology.

In a TEDx lecture, Sosa, the son of a Mexican migrant family, shares his vision of the present and explains how the future is already here.

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