Latina Lista > Media > Videos > Video: Latina young adult author shares why Latino literature matters to young people

Video: Latina young adult author shares why Latino literature matters to young people

LatinaLista — Young adult author e.E. Charlton-Trujillo grew up in a small South Texas town where she was known as the “Mexican white girl” because she could pass as an Anglo. Yet, Charlton-Trujillo never denied her Latino heritage and because of it she has gone on to win awards and accolades for her books, plays, poetry and film.

When it was announced earlier this year that the Tucson school district had banned Latino-authored books from their libraries, Charlton-Trujillo joined her fellow authors in denouncing the action and felt compelled to film an “off-the-cuff” video explaining why Latino literature matters to young people.

Though the video is several months old, Charlton-Trujillo’s message is a timeless commentary on how her heritage shaped her to be the successful writer she is today and how all students deserve that same chance to get to know, understand and appreciate their roots.

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  • AlvaradoFrazier
    October 12, 2012 at 9:48 am

    It’s always awesome to hear about someone standing up /speaking out for change. Excellent video on why Latino literature matters and its impact on readers. 
    Thought I’d place a link to Librotraficante, a site that Ms. Charlton-Trujillo refers to on her video

  • JenGreyson
    October 14, 2012 at 3:58 pm

    Great video!

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