Latina Lista > Media > Videos > Video: Perez Hilton helps explain to young people the history of voting

Video: Perez Hilton helps explain to young people the history of voting

LatinaLista — It’s only fitting that on the day when it’s everyone’s last chance to cast a vote, for the man who will be president for the next four years, that we are reminded of why voting is such a big deal. It’s something that not enough young people, aka voters, know or get.

To help explain the history of voting in a fun but informational way, Latino blogger Perez Hilton, joined by Grammy award-winning singer John Legend, Glee’s Darren Criss and R&B singer, Bridget Kelly band together to take viewers on a short walk through our nation’s history of the vote.

While it’s entertaining, the quick video brings home the fact that throughout history too many people have been excluded or prevented from what should be every citizen’s right — and worth fighting for.

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