April 1, 2020

Today is April Fool’s Day. While some of us equate what we’re living through as a sick joke, we know it’s not. In that vein, today’s LatinaLista is a broad mix of news stories that break our usual ‘niche’ mode and attempt to address the various needs we all have during this time. Yet, life doesn’t have to be all gloom. So, we’re playing a little game. There’s only one news story that is an April Fool’s joke — and it may not be the one you think! As usual, Go beyond the headlines…

Working From Home? Here Are 8 Ways to Boost Your Internet Speed

Russia and China push ‘fake news’ on coronavirus crisis, report claims

Immigration groups sue Trump administration for keeping courts open amid coronavirus

ICE Must Release 10 Chronically Ill Immigrants After A Judge Said They’re Not Safe From The Coronavirus While In Custody

Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index: Rich sheltered, poor shafted amid virus

Underlying Health Disparities Could Mean Coronavirus Hits Some Communities Harder

A coronavirus coloring book from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital: Helping kids understand COVID-19

Study finds that Pilates significantly improves blood pressure in young, obese women

New app attempts to detect signs of COVID-19 using voice analysis. You can try it out right here!

Coronavirus: Mexico declares national public health emergency, bans nonessential activity

Startled researchers discover Costa Rica is, in fact, an island

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