August 1, 2024

From recent headlines, it’s easy to think that children are bearing the brunt of a world run amok. After all, a new survey shows a sizable percentage of teens are undergoing mental health care. Yet, unfortunately, as was revealed yesterday, children have always born the brunt of a mislead ideology, social discrimination, etc. Perhaps the children who have historically suffered the most are Native American children. A new study found shocking evidence that the quest of the ‘white man’ to eradicate Indian culture in the youngest generation could result in literally ‘killing’ it out of them; The economy is finally tracking the way economists say will bring inflation down and bring us a healthier nation. The bad news is there’s going to be a lot of suffering to get there; One of the ironic mindsets of the young is that prevalent belief is that they’re invincible and immortal. Not so among Gen X and millennials as a new study reveals of all the generations they’re more likely to get cancer; and Did you know you could send secret messages with your iPhone Notes app? Go beyond the headlines…

New survey shows over 3 in 10 adolescents are receiving mental health treatment

Putin’s Russia Nears Largest Prisoner Swap with The West Since Cold War

Nearly a thousand children died at Indian boarding schools funded by the U.S.

The number of available jobs in the US is shrinking

Filling the silences in family stories − how to think like a historian to uncover your family’s narrative

Heat wave blanketing Olympics ‘impossible’ without climate change

Gen X, millennials more likely to get cancer, new study shows

You Can Use Your iPhone Notes App to Send Secret Messages

Guatemala grants temporary residency to Mexican minors who fled violence

A ‘fake, fabricated result’: Questions swirl around Venezuela’s election

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