August 5, 2024

If you have ever struggled with Siri or Alexa understanding your commands, you know how frustrating it can be. It seems that for some people, depending on where they live in the country, their accents are just getting in the way. Can you guess in which states and regions of the country where both voice assistants have both given up understanding and just said fuhgeddaboudit?; Venezuela’s Maduro has been forcing his dominance on a country reeling with poverty and high inflation — by declaring his win in an election that the world is increasingly rejecting; The widening violence in the MidEast coupled with bad US economic data is pushing the world towards a scenario that may be overdue, according to economists, but could prove to be a nightmare for everyday citizens; In the Summer 2024 Olympics, high-tech is being used in almost every sport either to enhance performance or detect razor-thin finishes. Yet, something else this crop of athletes are adopting is heat training, and it’s something researchers propose the global community needs to adopt as well; and While we like our streetlights shining a comforting beam illuminating every potential threat to our well-being in the darkest hours, both figuratively and physically, it’s not a benefit to one species and is actually threatening the food chain. Go beyond the headlines…

Survey: Which Accents Does AI Find Hardest to Understand?

EU says it does not recognize Venezuela’s election result

Climate change deniers make up nearly a quarter of US Congress

Global markets plunge over recession fears

Heat training can help athletes — and the rest of us — adapt to hotter weather

Streetlights running all night makes leaves so tough that insects can’t eat them, threatening the food chain

32 important scientists you’ve probably never heard of

Twitter/X disappears from Mac App Store

Nicaragua Escalates Repression Against Catholic Clergy

In a win for Mexico, US will expand areas for migrants to apply online for entry at southern border

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