Latina Lista > Causes > Crowdfunding > Crowdfunder: Changing the lives of 1,000,000 kids with fresh food and eco-literacy

Crowdfunder: Changing the lives of 1,000,000 kids with fresh food and eco-literacy

LatinaLista —

Campaign: #GrowFruitGrowPower – Common Vision

Formed in 2005, Common Vision is a non-profit that delivers inspirational environmental education. Over the past 10 years they’ve planted more than 6,000 fruit trees throughout California and built a reputation for improving the lives of students and teachers.

Not only do Common Vision orchards produce 150,000 lbs of organic fruit every year (so far), they are also living classrooms where kids learn about environmental science, climate change, nutrition, and teamwork.

Common Vision’s goal is to change the lives of 1,000,000 kids by providing the fresh food and eco-literacy that is so badly needed. They have created the #GrowFruitGrowPower campaign which will lay the groundwork to grow fruit tree orchards at 1,000 low-income schools.

Every child deserves the chance to benefit from having a direct relationship with healthy and organic food. But social inequality deprives many kids of this privilege. By creating organic fruit orchards at low-income schools, Common Vision has created this relationship for more than 100,000 children.

Support for this campaign will allow Common Vision to bring their innovational brand of education to 30 additional schools and 15,000 more kids in the next year alone and to scale to hundreds more in the coming decade.

Common Vision’s California School Orchard Project provides 100,000 low-income students with fresh fruit every year. Schools looking to nourish and educate their students contact Common Vision every week requesting an orchard. Unfortunately the wait list for their program can be as long as 3 years; without support, they cannot fulfill schools’ requests.

The campaign’s goal is $60,000.

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