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Crowdfunder: Giving prisoners a voice in reforming prisons

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Campaign: UPLC Visits Illinois Prisons

Uptown People’s Law Center (UPLC) is a grassroots nonprofit law office that has been fighting for prisoners’ rights for decades. They currently have nine class action lawsuits to improve Illinois’ terrible jail and prison conditions, including suits about mental health and medical care for prisoners.

UPLC gets over 100 letters a week from prisoners, but hearing in person what they are going through is important. For that reason, UPLC decided to visit prisons once a month.

They want to put prisoners’ voices first in the fight to improve Illinois prisons.

However, most of Illinois’ prisons are closer to Mississippi than Chicago. Driving for many hours means spending money on gas, meals, and lodging.

As a small nonprofit, extra money is needed to fund trips for a whole year.

The campaign’s goal is $2,905 and ends on May 5.

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