Latina Lista > Causes > Crowdfunding > Crowdfunder: Helping Haitian families crowdfund new homes via special online platform

Crowdfunder: Helping Haitian families crowdfund new homes via special online platform

LatinaLista —

Five years after the devastating earthquake in Haiti, people are still trying to rebuild their lives – and their homes.

It has become apparent that if the poorest Haitians are to ever see a roof over their heads again help will have to come from other than their government.

That’s where New Story comes in.

New Story is a non profit based in Haiti that is a crowdfunding platform. From its site, people from all over the world can help Haitian families raise the $6,000 necessary to finance the building of their new home.

New Story has partnered with Mission of Hope, which sources families in need and helps them to launch a crowdfunding campaign via the platform.

Potential donors can read the family’s story and see a breakdown of expenses – including materials and labor – before choosing to donate.

All the money raised goes directly to each project, which is then carried out by local contractors in Haiti.

The houses, which are three room block homes, are usually completed within two months, after which families post video updates for their donors.

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