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Crowdfunder: Helping inmates understand the meaning of their lives

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Campaign:  Kabbalah Prison Project – The Good Environment
The Good Environment is a not-for-profit organization of volunteers who want to help create a safer and healthy environment within prisons.  They are effectively working with STATE and FEDERAL prisons in the United States.

In 2008, they began sharing the Natural Science of Kabbalah with a small budget. They sent free books to all libraries in prisons and gave small advertisements in prison publications.

In addition, they have created a platform of education, communication and inspiration for the prison community, allowing inmates to learn from authentic sources and share their self-improvement with others across the USA through their free monthly magazine.

Subscribers, not limited by age, gender, religion, or environment – currently study their program.

Public Data That You May Find Interesting

  • United States of America has about 6.8 million people in the correctional system.
  • In the last 30 years there has been an increase in prison population by over 400%.
  • The recidivism rate in USA is about 60% (the rate at which the people return back to prison)

Mission Statement:

The mission is to assist prison inmates and HELP THEM build healthy, supportive, and nurturing human connections in their prison community and beyond.

They accomplish their mission by providing accessibility to the wisdom of Kabbalah — which tackles the questions about the meaning and purpose of life and how their integral HUMAN nature AFFECTS society.

Their intention is to help create a good environment by one’s true internal correction along with the development of their ability to connect to others.

  • To date 2,200  people studied our course material while in prison.
  • 1,700 are currently in THE GOOD ENVIRONMENT correspondence course.
  • Over 500 people that have been in their program have been released from prison – many of which write to them and continue their participation of self-improvement and growth in the integral world.
  • They started to see exponential growth of their participants  
  • They have seen an additional increase from 300 in 2013, 600 in 2014 and expecting 1,200 new participants this year.
Seeing how their material has helped so many within a short period of time, it proved to them that they must grow and reach at least 10K to 20K new subscribers in the next 2 years.


They need to train a staff of volunteers across the United States to visit prisons, create social groups to foster communication and development between inmates and possibly even prison staff.

They would also like to get at least 1 person paid full time on their staff to manage all the necessary communication with the prison facilities. Their job would include answering inmate letters, writing content and doing accounting and clerical work. 

Even though there is a possible way to get government funding to pursue their missions, they believe that the true and best way is to engage communities across all the United States as well as across the world.

The campaign's goal is $100,000.




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