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Crowdfunder: Making college tours a reality for these students

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Campaign: College Bound College Tours

College tours make a real difference in the lives of under privileged students. For some, a visit to the campus of their dreams can really motivate them to do their best in school and succeed in college as well.

Students visiting a campus can be inspired by college students, especially when they see those who look like them.

Nikki Hernandez is an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer currently serving at the Boys & Girls Club of Venice in Venice, California. Her assignment is to make college a reality for students who are historically underrepresented, who live in poverty, and who have bright futures ahead of them.

This is made possible by a program called “College Bound”. Twice a week, they host workshops that teach youth about different colleges, the benefits of going to college, ways to pay for college, majors to choose from, careers to follow, and more!

Participants get the chance to win prizes that have been donated and they get the chance to visit local and semi-local college campuses.

Because they are a non-profit organization and serve a large part of the community, the Venice College Bound participants don’t always get the chance to visit colleges due to lack of funding.

With as little as $150, Nikki and her co-workers could take 10 fortunate club members on a trip to the University of California, Santa Barbara, or even San Diego; two prestigious universities that the club members are eager to visit.

It costs the club about $300 to go on a 6-8 hour college tour, which includes commuting time, gas costs, and paying for a van/bus driver. Unfortunately, this is money the club absolutely does not have!

The goal is to go on a total of 4 college trips this year, which means they need to raise $1,200.

To help with the campaign’s fundraising, the organization’s board members are willing to match every dollar raised.

The campaign’s goal is $1,000 and ends on April 28.

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