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Crowdfunder: SheHeroes: A Web Series That Empowers Girls

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Campaign: SheHeroes: A Web Series That Empowers Girls

Career development begins in childhood, and yet kids often limit their career goals to common careers based on gender stereotypes they see in the media or in the very toys they play with. Girls thirst for relatable role models that show how truly exciting and fun it can be to pursue STEM.

Despite strides in the past, women in non-traditional careers are still severely underrepresented. In some careers, like Computer Science, the representation of women is actually declining.

With the current state of career inequality, nearly 50% of the world’s population is an underutilized source of creativity, innovation and progress.

SheHeroes is a non-profit that creates educational videos and online content that inspires girls ages 8 – 14 to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, math (STEM)–among other non-traditional fields.

Three women from MIT founded SheHeroes because they experienced first hand a lack of female role models in their chosen fields. Like Sally Ride they believed, “You can’t be what you can’t see.”

With the campaign’s financial support, the non-profit will produce and distribute up to 6 video biographies of phenomenal career women and explore why they’re passionate about their chosen career, learn what obstacles they’ve surmounted to reach their goals and get advice on how to achieve success.

The campaign’s goal is $30,000 and ends on December 27.

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