Latina Lista > News > December 2, 2020

December 2, 2020

The notion that Trump is an honorable man or that his presidency elevated public service is so fundamentally untrue that it wouldn’t be surprising if the Trump surname enters our lexicon as meaning corrupt, scam artistry, nepotism, etc. The latest example underscores this assumption: Guess who were the major beneficiaries of the PPP loans?; Trump admin keeps pushing for restrictions on high-skilled worker visas and one judge had a response; Is the pipeline broken for Latino executives? Observers say something worse is emerging when it comes to gun rights activists; and After 57 years, this iconic symbol of astronomy has collapsed. Go beyond the headlines…

Release of PPP loan recipients data reveals troubling patterns: The Trump Organization and Kushner Companies are major beneficiaries of PPP loans.

Federal judge blocks Trump curbs on high-skilled worker visa program

The broken pipeline for Latino executives

A More Extreme Gun Rights Movement Is Emerging in the NRA’s Wake

Immigrant Woman Starts Food Pantry In Her Home To Help Undocumented Families

Young women are using Instagram to fight for the future of the planet

Arecibo telescope collapses, ending 57-year run

Lab developing device to help Earth dodge asteroids

Apple releases its ‘Best of 2020’ App Store winners and most downloaded apps of the year

WHO chief says Mexico ‘in bad shape’ with coronavirus pandemic; CDC says avoid all travel

UN warns of impending debt crisis in Latin America

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