Latina Lista > News > July 6, 2021

July 6, 2021

On the heels of the nation celebrating our 245th anniversary of adopting the Declaration of Independence, we find ourselves at a political, moral and environmental crossroads. So much so, that some experts are wondering aloud if ‘couples therapy’ is what we need to bridge our political divides; Now, why is the court system expecting to see a spike in people wanting to fulfill their jury duty obligations?; Most people are finding themselves on strict budgets. One author creates an emergency guide on how to handle family financial crisis; and Costa Rica just passed a law to make it easier for people to move there. Go beyond the headlines…

Biden allies brace for GOP attacks when southern border reopens

Courts may see spike in people wanting to serve on juries

Biden unveils push to encourage US citizenship

Migrant kids play, watch TV in what US calls ‘model’ shelter

Can ‘Couples Therapy’ bring Red and Blue Americans together?

Author creates emergency guide when financial crisis hits you

Suburban living the worst for carbon emissions – new research

This new app will backup all the photos and videos on your phone with unlimited storage and resolution for just $10 a year

Mexico’s Oaxaca community claims Anthropologie using plagiarized indigenous design

New bill to attract residents to Costa Rica signed into law

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