Latina Lista > News > November 17, 2022

November 17, 2022

The GOP are the new landlords of the House of Representatives. There is talk already of retaliation, revenge, investigations, etc. to get back at Democrats for having the decency of investigating the corruption of the Trump admin, and the man himself. The House GOP is already showing us that they are less interested in serving the people as they are in serving the ‘guy in Florida.’ Or is that an old story? With more coming out against ‘the guy’ running, this GOP may not know what to do with themselves; With their time limited, House Dems made a crucial decision on which immigration priority they will fight for before January; One entire country hopes to live on in the Metaverse; Two Mexican coastal towns credit an unusual protector for skirting hurricanes. You gotta read this one! Go beyond the headlines…

House Democrats choose DACA over other immigration priorities in lame-duck session

The economic state of Latinos in the US: Determined to thrive

Republicans flip the House

Pelosi vows “path” for Cherokee Nation House delegate

Obama to announce expansion of young leaders program to US

Nuclear Fusion Experiment Just Made Something Very Strange Happen

This Entire Country Is Uploading Itself to The Metaverse

New platform helps hospitality businesses reduce food waste

The never-ending Cuban exodus

Inside the Mexican City That Believes It’s Protected by Aliens

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