Latina Lista > News > November 5, 2019

November 5, 2019

Senseless gun violence is shocking wherever in the world it happens, especially when children are caught in the crossfire. That’s why the news filtering out of Mexico overnight that several Mormon women and their children were shot, killed and wounded by cartel killers in a case of “mistaken identity” is gut-wrenching. The level of violence in Mexico has increased to the point that many feel these killers are getting away with murder, literally, on a daily basis. Many asylum seekers have expressed their own fears of being brutally victimized by cartels themselves as the US government forces them to wait in Mexico as their cases are waiting to be heard. Instead of building a wall – that smugglers have already figured out how to penetrate – our government should be doing more to work with Mexico to rid the country of its cartel violence. As we see, what happens south of our border touches our lives in some way too. Today’s headlines include what the Supreme Court is being asked by Trump admin to rule on; How a popular vacation activity is impacting climate change; and What one architect is building in a Mexican forest. Check out the stories below…

At least 5 members of Mormon family killed in brutal Mexican drug cartel attack

White House crafting policy to extend how long asylum-seekers are barred from working: report

Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Hear Sanctuary Cities Case

American youth don’t know much about the juvenile justice system

APNewsbreak: Arpaio aides ignored order to halt immigration sweeps

‘Cine En La Frontera’ Film Contest Presents Borderland Stories By Arizona-Sonora Filmmakers

Trust Your Gut: A Beginner’s Guide To Intuitive Eating

Satellite tracking shows how ships affect clouds and climate

Architect unveils plan for smart forest city in Mexico

Costa Rica hopes to re-use plastic as building materials for houses

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