Latina Lista > News > October 25, 2021

October 25, 2021

It’s getting clearer and clearer that the pandemic changed the world in so many fundamental ways that historians may take years to fully document its true impact. For instance, business leaders just declared something they probably thought they never would have to say; and Puerto Rico has achieved new status and respect for being the only place in America to do something every state should be striving for; and the Biden admin is finally addressing the bane of working immigrants; Also, entrepreneurial endeavors have blossomed in the pandemic era: touch screens that eliminate one major excuse for not shopping online and A new calendar app for people with lots of virtual meetings. The list goes on but as always…Go beyond the headlines!

Business leaders expect wages to keep going up

How Puerto Rico became the most vaccinated place in America

New immigration policy aims to protect undocumented immigrants against work exploitation

7 Groundbreaking Inventions by Latino Innovators

Money mistakes could signal dementia

Better touch screens could let you feel stuff before you buy it

‘We hope it’s not an adversary here on Earth’: NASA leader suggests UFOs could be aliens

Hera is a new calendar app for people with a lot of virtual meetings

Herbalist’s murder highlights assault on Mayan spirituality in Guatemala

Mexico still struggles to get the lead out of its pottery

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