Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Politics > A new presidential poll that makes the results easy to swallow

A new presidential poll that makes the results easy to swallow

LatinaLista — The #1 polling question facing people today is “Who will you vote for?”
Since most people aren’t shy about saying it, polls have been successful in gauging people’s opinions but telephone and online polls only go so far. People give their opinions and go on their way but with the relaunch of the 7-Election presidential coffee cup poll, people can express their opinions all day — or not.

With a simple visit to a local 7-Eleven store for the morning buy of java or hot chocolate or any hot beverage, buyers can choose among three 20-ounce cups : red for McCain, blue for Obama or white for undecided. As each cup is bought between today and November 4, it is instantly tabulated at the register when the sale is made.
In the past, the 7-Election presidential coffee cup poll has called the presidential race. In 2004, President Bush out-cupped Sen. John Kerry, 51 percent to 49 percent.

“When 7-Eleven held its first 7-Election eight years ago, we had no idea what the final results would be or how popular the cup poll would become,” said 7-Eleven President and CEO Joe DePinto. “While we don’t bill this as a statistically valid study by any means, it does reach Americans in their hometowns, on their way to work, after school or just going about their everyday lives. 7-Election provides an interesting daily snapshot of the election.”

As the poll gets underway, national and state results will be posted daily on a special 7-Election website.
A little bit of coffee trivia:

Coffee has deep political roots in American history. In 1607, Captain John Smith in Virginia introduced coffee in America, and it was named the national beverage by the First Continental Congress after the Boston Tea Party.

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