Latina Lista > Culture > Language > Debate site lets people get involved with the political process — in two languages

Debate site lets people get involved with the political process — in two languages

LatinaLista — In case you hadn’t heard, there’s a presidential debate tonight and both candidates will be there linguistically duking it out to show who has a better handle on foreign policy.

Yet, since it is the 21st Century, the days of just sitting on the couch, watching the debate and yelling at the TV are over. We now, courtesy of technology, can be as involved as we want to be.
At the MySpace website, My Debates, visitors can learn about the issues, share their viewpoints, see live video streaming of the debate, rate the debate and even submit questions for possible consideration by the candidates, or more to the point, the moderators.
This time around, Hispanic news organization, impremedia will partner with My Debates and Voto Latino to offer Spanish-language streaming of the debates for those who prefer to hear it in Spanish. The Spanish-language site is set up to cover all the proposed debates and also has videos of the candidates, along with, their stands on the issues.
The debates are an important part of the political process because it’s the only time we get to see and hear the candidates think on their feet.
In these times, that should be a pre-requisite for being President.
(The debates air at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time)

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