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America’s Concentration Camp Feeling the Heat

LatinaLista — There are a few updates regarding the T. Don Hutto Residential Facility in Taylor, Texas.

An eyewitness reports:

The razor wire has finally come down around the perimeter fence at the T. Don Hutto prison in Taylor Texas.

As I was driving down Welch Street this Thursday afternoon (1:06PM), I witnessed the last bit of dismantling of the razor wire.

Seems like a lot of activity is going on in and around the prison grounds….

J. Orta

Also, the Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children has released a report titled “Locking Up Family Values: The Detention of Immigrant Families.”

In the report, they cite first-hand evidence that the penal-type environment of the facility, the threats to children that if they don’t behave they won’t see their parents again, the limited access to medical and mental health resources, and the prolonged detention of families is far from the “humane” alternative touted by Homeland Security.

Though these efforts are aimed at shutting down facilities of these types, the bigger goal should be to reevaluate our policy on the detention of immigrant families awaiting asylum or deportation.

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