Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Politics > “Hoo” are Hispanic Hoosiers Leaning Towards for President?

“Hoo” are Hispanic Hoosiers Leaning Towards for President?

LatinaLista — It’s being reported on the web site that almost 90,000 Hoosiers have already cast their ballots in early voting.

(Source: El Mexicano News)
And the big question on everyone’s minds is how Hispanic Hoosiers will vote? Will they give the election to Clinton or Obama? Does it really matter?
While it’s true that Hispanics don’t comprise anywhere near the numbers of heavily Latino populated states like Texas, California, New Mexico, etc, the fact is the population is growing in Indiana.
Latinos eligible to vote may make that little difference which will be enough to let one of the candidates declare a win.

Indiana matters.
It’s said that if Clinton loses Indiana and North Carolina, who happen to both vote on May 6, she won’t have a chance to claim the title of the Comeback Kid again.
So, it’s not surprising that the candidates have ramped up their appeal to the state’s Latino population.
Though no one is comfortable in saying who might garner the majority of the Latino vote since the polls show a dead heat between the two candidates, there are a couple of subtle hints.
Publisher Fernando Zapari of El Mexicano News, a Spanish-language newspaper in Fort Wayne, Indiana, told Latina Lista that many of the state’s Latinos come from Texas’ Rio Grande Valley.
If so, there could be a repeat in Indiana of how Texas Valley residents voted — for Clinton.
And then there’s this not-so-subtle hint:

The Clinton campaign is looking to muster support among Hoosier Latinos in the heavily Hispanic East Chicago area. For resident Teresa Bautista, Chelsea Clinton’s visit helped solidify her support for Hillary Clinton.
BAUTISTA: She has the experience from the past. The economy of this country is real bad right now. So, she’s the right person to pull the economy of this. We don’t need no change around here. We need experience

Obama’s own campaign acknowledges that what happens in Indiana could be the tie-breaker.
The real question is: Are we prepared to give up watching the most intense run for a presidential nomination that has occurred in recent history and created such nail-biting interest and gave every primary the feeling that their votes mattered?
Reality TV doesn’t get any better than this and with rerun season fast approaching, holding on to the last vestiges of a show with an unscripted outcome may just be what this nation needs to re-energize itself and the political process.

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  • urbanleftbehind
    April 30, 2008 at 10:30 am

    Another big component of Latino voter in IN are move-ins to NW Indiana from the Chicago South Side, which should also portend well for Clinton. They carry the anything-but-black mindset from the Slag Valley, East Side and Hegewisch neighborhoods (and countless now-black south suburbs) and also being so close to Gary wouldnt dream of voting for Obama.

  • Daniel
    April 30, 2008 at 8:41 pm

    “They carry the anything-but-black mindset… – …wouldnt dream of voting for Obama.
    I seriously doubt that’s true.

  • urbanleftbehind
    May 1, 2008 at 10:14 am

    where are you from? I’m from there, I know it cause I’ve heard it.

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