Latina Lista > Media > Online > New web site invites the world to share their opinions with American Voters

New web site invites the world to share their opinions with American Voters

LatinaLista — Since the launch of the presidential campaigns, it’s been no secret that the rest of the world is closely watching what is happening in the United States regarding the course of the elections.
That was seen last year with the launch of the bilingual Mexican website ¡México Decide! E.E.U.U. Elecciones 2008.
Now comes a new web site hosted by Link TV called Dear American Voter.
Keeping in line with Link TV’s mission statement of engaging, educating and activating viewers to become involved in the world, Dear American Voter turns the tables and asks the rest of the world to get involved with the United States by filming and uploading their opinions regarding what happens in the US elections.
Only a few months old, the site still lacks opinions from some corners of the world but according to Andy Orin, project manager of Dear American Voter, the site is growing as word of it spreads throughout the blogosphere.
To see what the rest of the world thinks about who the best candidate is, which party should win and what should be the first task of the new President, check out the videos already uploaded on the site.
When you do, you’ll find that the United States is as hot a topic around the world as illegal immigration is in this country.

(Jordan) Rima Murad in Amman hopes a Democratic president will restore order and withdraw troops from Iraq, leaving the Arab world in peace.
(Source: Dear American Voter)

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  • Royce Penstinger
    October 21, 2008 at 9:47 pm

    The world should learn to keep their opinions to themselves when it comes to trying to tell Americans who we should vote for. IT’s OUR election, and they are not entitled to have a say in, and nor should they. It ranks right up there with Mexico wanting a say in shaping our immigration policy.

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