Latina Lista: News from the Latinx perspective > Palabra Final > Economy > Latino Congreso delegates underscore the need for Latinos to speak out on all issues

Latino Congreso delegates underscore the need for Latinos to speak out on all issues

LatinaLista — To the casual observer of the recent National Latino Congreso held in Austin, Texas last weekend, he or she would be surprised to learn that of the 30 resolutions approved by the delegates from 15 states and over 100 organizations there were quite a few resolutions adopted that are considered beyond “traditional” Latino issues.


Two resolutions that were discussed and passed had to do with Libya and AT&T’s acquisition of T-Mobile. While some may wonder why the Latino Congreso would bother to pass resolutions regarding either issue, the answer is simple: As citizens who are not confined to one area of the country or economic strata or even one political party, all issues impact Latinos and input from Latinos deserve to be put on the proverbial table.

The following are the two resolutions about Libya and the AT&T acquisition. The rest of the resolutions will be posted on the National Latino Congreso website :

15.04, As Amended

Resolution on the AT&T acquisition of T-Mobile

Author: Mr. Nativo Lopez

Organization: Mexican American Political Association (MAPA)

Seconded: Luis Enrique Bustamante, Mexican American Voters League

Passed on Sunday, March 27, 2011, unanimously

(Editor’s note: only presenting final resolutions on AT&T acquisition)

BE IT RESOLVED, that organizations represented by delegates of the 2010 National Latino Congreso, in the interest of protecting Latino families, urge AT&T to answer the following questions before we take a position on this merger:

· How will cellular phone service be more affordable if this acquisition were to be approved?

· How will internet broadband service be more accessible and affordable if this acquisition were to be approved?

· How would Latino owned businesses be impacted by the proposed acquisition?

· Will Latino owned business have access to more affordable T-1 lines?

· Will Latino non-profits see more philanthropy from AT&T?

· Will Latinos be employed a proportional population rates by AT&T?

· Will Latinos owned businesses have access to business contracts by AT&T as a proportion to their demographics?

· Will AT&T allow customers to opt out of their wireless contracts without paying a penalty?

· Will AT&T extend non-discriminatory, open Internet protections to wireless Internet access?

· Will AT&T allow wireless devices manufactured by companies it does not have an exlcusive arrangement with to operate on its network?


FURTHER IT BE RESOLVED that organizations represented by delegates of the 2010 National Latino Congreso urge AT&T to agree to set as a priority aggressive broadband adoption programs that include a $10 billion, 10-year initative that expands Internet accecss points and Internet training in under-served communities throughout the country and they assist with creating a National Broadband Council reflective of the populations served;
FURTHER IT BE RESOLVED that organizations represented by delegates of the 2010 National Latino Congreso urge President Barack Obama’s Administration to hold hearings on the acquisition of T-Mobile by AT&T in Latino communities;
FURTHER IT BE RESOLVED that organizations represented by delegates of the 2010 National Latino Congreso urge organizations representing Latino constituencies to wait before opposing or support the acquisition until the above questions are answered by AT&T.

Resolution 13 10 – National Latino Congreso Calls for US Non-Intervention in Libya

Author: Rev. Walter Coleman

Organization:Families Unidas Sin Fronteras

Moved by Coleman Seconded by Gonzalez, motion passed

Whereas, the National Latino Congreso supports the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of nations, especially where there is a history of colonial domination and exploitation;

And Whereas, the recent events in Libya precipitated by citizen discontent, reflecting movements throughout the region, but transforming quickly into an armed uprising, represent an internal civil war;

And Whereas the legacy of the U.S, and European powers represented by NATO acting in union and in competition with each other to invade and occupy in order to establish hegemony over the oil resources of that country is a legacy that will backfire on the United States;

And Whereas the member organizations of the Congreso are especially sensitive to issues of regime change and U.S. intervention in the internal affairs of developing nations because of the tragic and outrageous history of such interventions and military and covert operations in Latin American Countries;

And Whereas such a policy of intervention and armed assault by the U.S. States Government is therefore harmful to relationship[pp with the countries of Latin America, as witnessed by the refusal of many Latin American countries to endorse the current military intervention;

And Whereas it is hypocritical for the United States or other European Governments to intervene under the pretext of “humanitarian concern” for government repression of innocent civilians in the current Libyan civil war, when it is clear from the history of the United States and the European Nations that whenever there was even the hint of an armed insurrection that they themselves have responded with overwhelming and deadly force;

And Whereas there is clearly hypocrisy and a double standard in relation to the situation in Libya and other oil rich regimes such as Bahrain, where there are in fact dictatorships under challenge by popular opposition, but where the dictatorships are allies of the United States;

And whereas the people of the United States are being given an unbalanced and prejudicial understanding of the current regime in Libyan in order to justify military action aimed at regime change;

And whereas this administration does not have a mandate from the American people to engage in regime change in any nation in the world;

Therefore Be It Resolved that the National Latino Congreso condemns U.S. military intervention in the current civil war in Libya and calls for Congress to cut off all funding for such intervention and calls for the U.S. Government to immediately cease and desist from any further participation in military or covert intervention.

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