Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Business > New Immigration Analysis Uncovers Startling Trends: Immigration Leveling Off and Aging U.S. Workforce Needs Immigrants

New Immigration Analysis Uncovers Startling Trends: Immigration Leveling Off and Aging U.S. Workforce Needs Immigrants

LatinaLista — Dr. Dowell Myers, professor of urban planning and Demography at the University of Southern California, held a telephonic press briefing this afternoon, sponsored by the Washington D.C.-based Immigration Policy Center.

Professor Dowell Myers
The occasion was the release of Dr. Myers’ report: “Thinking Ahead About Our Immigration Future: New Trends and Mutual Benefits in Our Aging Society.”
In a kind of folksy, self-deprecating manner, Dr. Myers laid out the facts about immigration, as the numbers show them to be. He wonders why there is such a rabid intensity to expel the very population who will be the saving grace of this country in a few years.

According to Dr. Myers’ research, the U.S. is getting older — fast. Dr. Myers says this is the real crisis facing the United States today.

One number that puts this crisis into perspective is 67 percent — the degree to which the ratio of seniors (age 65 and older) to working-age adults (25 to 64) will be thrown out of balance over the next 20 years.

Since seniors depend on the labor of working-age adults to live comfortably in their retirement years, Dr. Myers’ data shows that retirement may have to wait for many, many people.
With such an imbalance in society, seniors will exasperate the problem by leaving the workforce en masse, and thus leave a workforce struggling to find replacements for them.

So severe are these (job) losses that the growth of the workforce will be driven perilously low — perhaps below zero in many states — which will depress economic growth as a whole. In addition, retirees will transition from being net taxpayers to net recipients of health and pension benefits, and they will be supported by a smaller workforce that is struggling to meet its own needs.

It’s not only the labor force the seniors will adversely affect, but also the housing industry. There will be 67 percent more people selling homes than are able to buy them.
This is a new story that has emerged from the immigration debate. Dr. Myers noted that the foundation of today’s current rhetoric is based on old stories that once were true regarding immigration but are no longer substantiated by the numbers.
In fact, during the telephonic press briefing, Dr. Myers remarked how one source, NUMBERS USA, that mainstream media likes to turn to for its numbers on immigration, is in a bad habit of taking valid data but distorting it to present an intimidating picture of immigration.
Truth be told, Dr. Myers says that immigration is in fact leveling off. Mexico which used to have a very high fertility rate, now has a very low rate – 2.4. It disturbs Dr. Myers because he says that the immigrant labor is what will sustain the United States when more Baby Boomers retire but with such a low birthrate in Mexico, the pool of available labor will change dramatically in the future.
If Mexico doesn’t have the supply of ready labor to send to this country, the US economy will truly be in a crisis.
He states that the federal government does need to come to the rescue of localities when it comes to bearing the burden of immigrants — but not to deport them. Dr. Myers says that the federal government needs to help out localities with the financial burden of educating and caring for immigrants.
Because towns and cities should not see educating immigrant children as a drain on their economy but rather an investment in their future workforce. The goal of any state/city/town should be an educated workforce.
The report also dispels the notion that immigrants don’t assimilate, they do. Yet, no one assimilates as a newcomer. It takes time, but it does happen.
As Dr. Myers noted, the purpose of any legislative policy is not to address the past, but prepare for the future to make it better.
A true immigration reform bill must take into account the realities that lay ahead for this country and not be a reaction to the distortions presented by some who don’t like progress or the changing face of America.
Otherwise, the Golden Years may never arrive or arrive too late to be enjoyed.

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    January 24, 2008 at 4:01 pm

    Once again there seems to be that old habit of mixing terminology. If the good doctor is speaking of legal immigrants, no problem. No one is against people coming here legally and in numbers designated and controlled by necessity. If the workforce declines at a predictable rate, it would set an equally predictable number of legal immigrants to be accepted. If he is talking about uncontrolled illegal immigration, then his analysis is very flawed and must be re-thought, I think. We do not need 1,000 retiring chemical engineers replaced in the workforce by 1,000 janitors or sheetrock hangers. If that occurs, the ecomomy would be worse than if we stopped immigration completely due to the fact that most of the low paid immigrant workers would also require government subsidies to survive, thus putting even greater strain on the economy.

  • Horace
    January 24, 2008 at 5:32 pm

    Illegal alien advocates and the Mexican government have attempted to have their way by:
    1. Insulting us by saying that there are jobs we won’t do. A lie.
    2. Sening their El Presidente Calderon to chastise and insult us by interferring in our politics and our legal system.
    3. Marching in the streets to express specious claims of rights never established under U.S. or international law.
    4. Defacing and abusing the flag of this country.
    5. Issuing so-called Matricular Consular Cards to aid and abet the presence of illegal aliens.
    6. Last but not least, by insulting us by staking a claim to citizenship by arrogantly claiming that we need them for our survival. Asta la vista, baby.
    These advocates have absolutely no sense when it comes to understanding what provokes the ire of Americans, in spite of the fact that they are the same arrogant things that cause Mexicans to get upset. I say to the advocates, continue to use your horse sense, because your horse is really a jackass in disguise.
    “If Mexico doesn’t have the supply of ready labor to send to this country, the US economy will truly be in a crisis.”
    This assumes that only Mexicans are permitted to immigrate. There is no shortage of foreigners who wish to come to this country, so this is manifestly not a threat.
    “Because towns and cities should not see educating immigrant children as a drain on their economy but rather an investment in their future workforce. The goal of any state/city/town should be an educated workforce.”
    This guy is no doubt on drugs. Citizens see their own children as their heirs, not the children of people who’ve skulked across our borders like thieves in the night. Get real.
    I’m an engineer. Please name the lettuce pickers that will replace me and the workers in Bill Gates head shed.
    You’re too funny, Marisa. I can really see our country becoming competitive on the world market by increasing our illiteracy rate by importing millions of unskilled and poorly educated foreigners. There are millions of Asians who are available, better educated and far more capable of promoting this country’s goal as a world competitor. Once we deport every illegal alien, we can open the doors to Korea, Taiwan and other countries which have literate societies, all in compliance with our immigration laws.

  • Frank
    January 24, 2008 at 5:47 pm

    Bravo, EOT and Horace. I couldn’t have said it better myself!

  • Evelyn
    January 24, 2008 at 8:28 pm

    Horace, QUIT EXPRESSING YOU IGNORANCE, it gets tiring! The only JACKASS here with HORSESENSE IS YOU!

  • yave begnet
    January 24, 2008 at 9:54 pm

    There are plenty of engineers, programmers, nurses, and professors who want to immigrate to the U.S. but can’t because the H-1B cap is set at a fraction of the number who qualify and apply. Yet restrictionists still oppose raising the cap for highly-skilled workers. So the claim that restrictionists have no problem with highly-skilled workers rings hollow.

  • Jax
    January 24, 2008 at 10:22 pm

    Eyes and Horace have nailed it! There’s nothing left to say on this subject!

  • E Pluribus Funk
    January 25, 2008 at 1:40 am

    Evelyn: “Horace, QUIT EXPRESSING YOU IGNORANCE, it gets tiring! The only JACKASS here with HORSESENSE IS YOU!”
    I dont think either of the three have been laid in ages

  • Frank
    January 25, 2008 at 7:38 am

    What no rebuttal, just personal attacks again?

  • Evelyn
    January 25, 2008 at 2:41 pm

    One person on this forum is into white sheets, pointed dunce hats and burning crosses at night. The law will accommodate him with a rebuttal any time.
    The other one is LIVIN la VIDA LOCA with nothing but nonsense most of the time. How can you offer a rebuttal to a person that doesnt make sense most of the time?
    And that leaves you, I cant very well give you a rebuttal because you express your opinion. You have every right to do that. Even though I don’t agree with you, I still believe you have a right to express how you feel.

  • Horace
    January 25, 2008 at 6:23 pm

    You can’t give a rebuttal because you can’t refute the truth. Which of my six points can’t stand scrutiny? I’ve got you backed into the corner but not by fibbing, but by stating the facts that have millions of Americans outraged. As Jack Nicholson said in the movie “A Few Good Men”: YOU CAN’T STAND THE TRUTH! And what’s astounding is that the dimwit advocates of illegal immigrants think these actions are endearing their constituent law breakers to the general public. I love it! How about that darling Evelyn?

  • Evelyn
    January 25, 2008 at 11:34 pm

    You demand a rebuttal, OK here it is. Regurgitated Lies!

  • Horace
    January 26, 2008 at 9:19 am

    Thanks, Evelyn. I hope that you will refrain from your rants and hear more zzzzzzzzzzzz—yawns. Even your snoring is music by comparison. Now, how about that date you promised?

  • Alan
    January 29, 2008 at 11:58 am

    1. Insulting us by saying that there are jobs we won’t do. A lie. I know several white americans that wont work but would rather ride welfare than work a job that is below them.
    2. Sening their El Presidente Calderon to chastise and insult us by interferring in our politics and our legal system. Like we dont do the same to most countries in the world?
    3. Marching in the streets to express specious claims of rights never established under U.S. or international law. Unless you have 100% native american blood in your veins you are here from the standpoint of some form of immigration. This is a wakeup call for Americans to know how much work these people are doing and treating them like slaves has to stop.
    4. Defacing and abusing the flag of this country. Like the confederates used to do? Yeah not a pretty picture but people backed into a corner will do unusual things.
    5. Issuing so-called Matricular Consular Cards to aid and abet the presence of illegal aliens. I thought this was clever and it actually engaged the Mexican government. So do we want Mexico to be a part of the solution or not?
    6. Last but not least, by insulting us by staking a claim to citizenship by arrogantly claiming that we need them for our survival. Asta la vista, baby. Cheap labor is a very important part of our economy wether you like it or not. Lets hope our income is strong because the cost of goods and services is about to go way up and everyone is going to be forced to buy Chinese goods at Walmart. Can you say goodbye to American manufacturing and food production?
    Pax et Bonum!

  • Horace
    January 29, 2008 at 8:32 pm

    1. Insulting us by saying that there are jobs we won’t do. A lie. I know several white americans that wont work but would rather ride welfare than work a job that is below them.
    So what? I note in the news that illegal immigrants are commiting crimes every day. Do I use that information to declare all are hardened criminals?
    2. Sening their El Presidente Calderon to chastise and insult us by interferring in our politics and our legal system. Like we dont do the same to most countries in the world?
    Name a case where it isn’t justified and doesn’t have the support of the rest of the democratic world.
    3. Marching in the streets to express specious claims of rights never established under U.S. or international law. Unless you have 100% native american blood in your veins you are here from the standpoint of some form of immigration. This is a wakeup call for Americans to know how much work these people are doing and treating them like slaves has to stop.
    They are not entitled to be here, period. They weren’t invited and thus do not have a righteous claim to stay.
    4. Defacing and abusing the flag of this country. Like the confederates used to do? Yeah not a pretty picture but people backed into a corner will do unusual things.
    Yeah, but don’t expect our citizens to respect them for doing so. Expect only outrage and contempt from our citizens, but don’t expect sympathy or consent to stay. Committing offensive acts is not a way of endearing the American people. On top of it, they haven’t learned their lesson, because the continue to do so.
    5. Issuing so-called Matricular Consular Cards to aid and abet the presence of illegal aliens. I thought this was clever and it actually engaged the Mexican government. So do we want Mexico to be a part of the solution or not?
    Actually, we are a sovereign nation with citizens enfranchized with the right to control their destiny, as is also claimed by the citizens of Mexico. What’s good for Mexico is good for us in this regard.
    6. Last but not least, by insulting us by staking a claim to citizenship by arrogantly claiming that we need them for our survival. Asta la vista, baby. Cheap labor is a very important part of our economy wether you like it or not. Lets hope our income is strong because the cost of goods and services is about to go way up and everyone is going to be forced to buy Chinese goods at Walmart. Can you say goodbye to American manufacturing and food production?
    Great stategy for this country. Export our jobs and import outsiders at slave wages to replace Americans. What good is it to the American people to have manufacturers that employ non-citizens who spend most of their disposable income in the country which they hold allegience, Mexico, et al? This REALLY works to the advantage of the citizens who are the “We” in “We The People” of the Constitution, NOT. I’ll take the chance that prices will go up and will not cave to the extortive arguments of advocates or their clients. Americans love a challenge!

  • Frank
    January 29, 2008 at 9:09 pm

    1. And I know a whole slew of White Americans who would never stoop to collecting welfare, so what is your point? The rules have changed on that anyway. You have to have a dependant child and you can only collect for 5 years.
    2. We don’t interfere in other country’s immigration policies.
    3. Let them come into this country legally to do their “hard work” based on our needs, not theirs. They allow themselves to be exploited. No one dragged them over the border.
    4. Not honoring a country’s flag has always been wrong, past, present and future.
    5. Oh sure, the Matricular Card is going to solve OUR illegal immigration problem. Mexico doesn’t want to work with us, they only want to keep sending their poor over here. Besides it is up to every nation to secure it’s own borders.
    6. Workers should always be paid a fair wage within the laws of this country and that includes those at the bottom. If we need more low wage workers and can’t find Americans to do them, there are legal channels to import legal foreign workers to do them. I would rather pay more for my goods and return to a nation of laws and a reasonable number of new immigrants brought in each year rather than chaos and uncontrolled illegal immigration.

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