Latina Lista > Columns & Features > Global Views > Mexico and Spain discuss extending voting privileges to their ex-patriots living in each other’s country

Mexico and Spain discuss extending voting privileges to their ex-patriots living in each other’s country

LatinaLista — As we count down to the November election and each side is either performing mental or CNN-style calculations at to how many will be voting, one thing is certain — those who vote who will be citizens of the United States.
The idea that anyone other than citizens be allowed to vote is considered blasphemy nowadays.
Not so south of the border.
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Spanish vice president Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega meets with Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon to discuss broadening domestic voting rights to include permanent residents from their respective countries.
(Source: El Universal)

This week, Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Spain’s vice president Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega met to discuss something a little revolutionary — the two countries plan on working on initiatives to review and amend federal legislation that would allow permanent residents of Spain living in Mexico to vote in Mexico’s presidential elections and permanent residents of Mexico living in Spain to vote in Spanish presidential elections.
Recognizing that permanent residents are just as much vested in a country’s political future as are the citizens, Spain’s initiative seems like a 21st Century move to address the realities of today’s global mobile society.


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