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April 22, 2020

It used to be that crisis events brought out the best in everyone — especially our political leaders. Not so this time. The Trump administration continues to target those population segments or issues that rile his base the most….


March 25, 2020

Unbelievably, there are people who still think the coronavirus is just like the flu, or worse, nothing to worry about. Well, the Dept. of Justice wants to change that attitude; Why is the virus spiking in certain countries? New…


March 20, 2020

All signs point towards it being just a matter of time when the rest of US(us) join California, Italy, Spain, etc. in not being allowed to leave our homes. That’s why any help coping with sheltering at home should…


February 11, 2020

The New Hampshire Primary has been underway since midnight. Do you know who’s pulling ahead of the pack? So, are we surprised that the Trump administration is renewing its fight against the states over this?; Think we can’t travel…


January 24, 2020

Why is one GOP Wisconsin congressman suddenly supporting letting Latino migrants in? Not hard to figure out; Some Iowa Caucus observers are wondering how Latinos will be treated when they show up; Scientists just revised the Doomsday Clock. Here’s…


October 24, 2019

U.S. immigration policy continues to be source of shame. The latest revelations about teen immigrants and a Marine Corps vet should be enough to make people realize that the term ‘immigrant’ is not an abstract concept but is all…


October 14, 2019

Say “the wall” these days and most everyone’s thoughts go to our southern border. So much injustice, heartache and harm has been and is being done and it’s not stopping; Most people know we shouldn’t eat late at night…


October 7, 2019

Casually surfing Sunday morning political talk shows there was one common theme — Republicans were playing defense for Trump and lying through their teeth. Yet, by the decibel count of GOP defenders, it’s getting harder for them to sacrifice…


September 30, 2019

Did we really need a study to say that some Latinos pay this much of their salaries to rent?; Biden is looking otra vez to Latinos to help push him to win the nomination. Will he succeed?; and Los…

By William Francis Keegan The Conversation   The story of Christopher Columbus, as with all legends, involves a series of great successes and horrible failures. Columbus’s current favorability rating hovers somewhere close to those of Hillary Clinton and Donald…