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U.S.A.: Get Out the Vote!!! Every vote counts…seriously.

By Lauri

USA — This election is critical for everyone. Just the other day I was catching up with an old friend, when she told me she wasn’t voting this election. I was in shock, I asked her why. She said, “I just don’t know enough about the two parties.” I sat stunned in my chair said why don’t you read about them? You have a week left!”
She said “No, I just don’t care..oh well”. I often times can be too overly political so I decided to lay low, but inside I was feeling this was a critical reminder to make sure that everyone I know should vote if they feel strongly about our nation’s future.
Change is around the corner. We must validate ourselves with this choice. Often times, in other countries, there aren’t free elections. We should take advantage of this option to voice our opinions about who we think should be the next president. It is a right that not everyone has.Remember last election, the difference was just a few votes.
Learn more about Lauri
Laura (also known as Lauri) is a 23 years old public relations professional in Washington, D.C. Born in Miami to Cuban parents, she is fueled by the passion of giving back to the community.
Laura often times is too idealistic but is striving to make the world a better place. She is interested in politics, travel, and different cultures. A graduate of the University of Virginia, she will be telling the world of her life as a Washingtonian with a “cubanita twist”.

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