Latina Lista > Palabra Final > Politics > Will Latinos Lose the Most Valuable Player Status (a.k.a. Swing Votes) to Women in Next Presidential Election

Will Latinos Lose the Most Valuable Player Status (a.k.a. Swing Votes) to Women in Next Presidential Election

LatinaLista — One of the highest rated shows on Lifetime TV is the series Army Wives.

The show, produced by the same guy who produces Grey’s Anatomy, is about military wives who don’t just juggle the kids and home as a single parent but have to mesh their lives with military protocol. As the tagline for the show says: “The army has its code. The wives have their own.”
So, it’s not coincidental that Lifetime TV today released a poll asking women which presidential candidate would do the best job of addressing the needs of military families.

The poll, a part of the Every Woman Counts campaign, showed that:

African-American and Hispanic women are roughly three times more likely
to pick Hillary Clinton as military families’ best ally than any other
Democratic candidate (51% and 41%, respectively).
John McCain is the top Republican candidate for this job among
Caucasian (37%) and African-American (24%) women, but among Hispanic
women, Rudy Giuliani garnered the most support (25% for Giuliani vs.
16% for McCain).

What’s interesting about this poll is that while it shows that the frontrunner position among the Republican candidates fluctuates between McCain and Giuliani, it never does among the Democratic contenders. It’s always Clinton.

Even when the poll asks all women, regardless of their party, who would best meet the needs of military families among the Democratic pool of contenders, the answer is the same — Clinton.
Could this be a sign of things to come?
It would seem the swing vote in this election may not be Latinos, as much as, it will be women — punto!

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  • miguel
    November 13, 2007 at 7:40 am

    A bit OT but this post has to with the future of those military wives. As a vet myself, I would like someone in the crowd to ask the politicians that seem to get some injured vet with a high tech prosthesis paraded for the local press at every VA hospital they visit, “What funding and follow up will be available through the VA system when this same G.I. is home 40 years from now and his artificial limb breaks or needs modification.?” “What database is in place to track them?” What laws will you put in place to provide for this? Will the citizens of this country be willing to pay?
    The wife and family in most cases will become care givers and they need training and compensation.
    /mini rant off.
    I am sure that this will get turned into an illegal immigrant issue but it is really about the vets we honored 2 days ago.

    November 13, 2007 at 9:54 am

    I know the perfect person to impliment policies that will provide continuing care for all vets, one John McCain. He, being a vet, understands the importance of never forgetting the needs of fellow vets. As a vet myself (USN 1968-1972), I would rather see my tax dollars go to care for injured military personel than to subsidizing millions of illegal aliens that can’t afford to take care of themselves. I believe the majority of Americans, ever those against the war, feel the same way.
    To this day, I can walk into any V.A. hospital, hand someone my dog tags, and within minutes have a complete summary of my Navy service. There are data bases with this information and all that is needed is better care for the vets. McCain would be the front runner on making sure that it happens, not Hitlery.

  • Crock
    November 13, 2007 at 10:50 am

    Dennis kucinich would do better for vets

  • miguel
    November 13, 2007 at 11:31 am

    Look for one that is willing to put a stop to pork barrel spending. The hundreds of billions in the last 15 years has to come under control but finding someone who will step up to bat on that issue is going to be hard.
    Hundreds of millions are lost to vets in this self interest spending.
    Big money still has government in their back pocket.

  • Frank
    November 13, 2007 at 5:11 pm

    Exactly, Miguel. “Big money still has government in their back pockets” and that is why we have a huge illegal immigration problem today.

  • miguel
    November 13, 2007 at 5:40 pm

    Frank… I do not see the link between pork spending and immigration. If money was spent properly maybe even the immigration issue could be dealt with.

  • Frank
    November 13, 2007 at 7:37 pm

    miguel, there is no link between pork spending and illegal immigration. My point was about the remark you made about big money having the government in their back pockets. That is why our government is looking the other way and not securing our borders so that “big money” can get their cheap illegal labor.

  • miguel
    November 13, 2007 at 7:50 pm

    Frank.. I can not still see immigrants working for the drug companies, the banking industry, the oil companies, the telecommunication giants that might be using your illegal workers. They provide jobs for citizens here and outsource to other countries so they pay to keep those door open. The dishwashers, and fruit pickers do not big business make.

  • Frank
    November 14, 2007 at 7:47 am

    miguel, illegals probably are not working in the mid to high level jobs in those companies/industries that you mentioned. But in most every company there are low skilled workers used. Such as cleaning personnel, etc. That is where they take advantage of cheap illegal labor. I remember when we had many poor Blacks working as janitors. Not today, all you see are Hispanics on those jobs. Some may be legal but I have a hunch that many are not.

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