As infuriatingly sad as it is that it took the public murder of George Floyd to wake the world that systemic racism is so entwined in our country’s culture: police culture, institutional educational culture, neighborhood zoning culture, corporate America…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
The Persisting Impact of Racial Construction in Latin America
By Audrey Duc Council on Hemispheric Affairs Although racism is not a new phenomenon in Latin America, the demonstration of racism has appeared in new ways according to the development of the continent. A recent example is Jair Bolsonaro,…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
Just one black teacher can boost success of black boys
By Jill Rosen Futurity Low-income black students who have at least one black teacher in elementary school are significantly more likely to graduate from high school and consider college, research shows. Further, having at least one black teacher…
Education, zNew Headline
New school segregation study finds troubling trends exist for Latino student success
LatinaLista — While the country, as a whole, likes to believe that we’ve achieved the utopian vision of equality, the sad truth is that inequality persists in all sectors of society. The extent of that inequality is more than…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
Study: Severe Obesity Among Minority Children is on the Rise
SaludToday Latino and Black children have the highest prevalence of severe obesity according to a recent study, Univision Salud reports. Researchers analyzed data from 1999 through 2014 and concluded that one-third of U.S. children are overweight, 25% are obese…
By Natalie Gross Latino Ed Beat By offering cash prizes to Latino and black boys who read books, a retired Los Angeles school teacher is hoping to improve educational outcomes for these groups – one book at a time….
Crowdfunding, zNew Headline
Crowdfunder: Lifting the shame of mental illness among people of color through photos
LatinaLista — Campaign: People of Color and Mental Illness Photo Project For the past 10 months, Dior Vargas has been collecting self-portraits from people of color dealing with mental illness around the country on her website; so far, she…
Guest Voz, zNew Headline
Guest Voz: Seeing the world through Black Eyes creates a separate reality
By Leonce Gaiter LatinaLista We know that when Darren Wilson and many of his defenders see a black man, they see someone who “looks like a demon,” and someone who has the extra/sub-human ability to “bulk up to run…
BlogBeat, zNew Headline
Researcher Examines Factors That Lead to Latino and Black Male High School Success
By Katherine Leal Unmuth Latino Ed Beat Education reporters often are drawn to reporting the depressing headlines about the state of Latino and black students in our nation’s public schools. These stories often focus on high school dropouts, low…
Guest Voz
Guest Voz: Schools remain active accomplices in treating children of color as criminals rather than students
LatinaLista — Today, the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, headed by Sen. Durbin, held a hearing on ending the School-to-Prison Pipeline. The School-to-Prison Pipeline is a concept where zero tolerance…
Diversity, Palabra Final
UT law prof blames Latino and black students’ poor academics on being raised with poor single mothers
LatinaLista — By now, it’s been accepted in most circles that the United States still suffers from overt and systemic racism. A brief review of President Obama’s first term clearly underscores how some people still feel a person’s skin…
Education, General, Palabra Final
Latino and black youth in juvenile justice system lose out on getting an education — twice
LatinaLista — It’s long been known that Latino and black students suffer the brunt of school suspensions and juvenile detention. Today, the Civil Rights Project released a study Opportunities Suspended: The Disparate Impact of Disciplinary Exclusion from School which…
Children, Life Issues
Pool safety campaigns highlight Latino and black children’s high risk for drownings
LatinaLista — Temperatures are warming up. School is winding down. Kids are looking forward to doing their favorite summer activity — swimming. Unfortunately for too many Latino children swimming can be a death trap. The Centers for Disease Control…
Life Issues
New study highlights reason why blacks, Latinos, Asians may look “all alike” to non-minorities
LatinaLista — Since 2001, Texas’ Dallas County has exonerated 32 men who were wrongfully convicted and sentenced to jail for crimes they didn’t commit. The latest two to receive an apology from the court were Raymond Jackson and James…
Children, Education, Fitness, Health, Youth
Study shows Latino and black children at higher risk of swim drownings
LatinaLista — With summer fast approaching, kids everywhere look forward to swimming. Whether it’s at the beach, lake or a pool, swimming provides all kids a chance to cool off and have some fun. Yet, when it comes to…
Children, Environment, General, Health, Youth
Low-income Latino and black children hit especially hard with Vitamin D deficiency
LatinaLista — If having the biggest rates of childhood obesity and diabetes weren’t enough, now low-income Latinos and African Americans have something else to worry about — not getting enough Vitamin D. Vitamin D is an invisible benefit from…
Children, Education, General, Music, Nonprofit, Youth
Spotlight Non-profit: Opening the doors to top-tier American orchestras for Latino and Black student musicians
LatinaLista Among the nation’s classical musical orchestras, blacks and Latinos only constitute 5% of the musicians. A man by the name of Aaron P. Dworkin vowed to change those dismal statistics. With a vision to make classical music reflect…
General, Government, Palabra Final, Social Justice
9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals finds Washington judicial system guilty of racism
LatinaLista — The popular saying of “If you do the crime you must pay the time” is a fair statement. But what if the people who are doing the time didn’t commit the crime? Aside from being punished for…
Culture, Palabra Final, Social Justice
There’s No Black-Brown Divide — Just Latino Envy
LatinaLista — For the last couple of weeks, one topic that has perpetuated the media and the blogosphere is the notion that there exists a Black-Brown divide on the national political front. It’s pretty much accepted among the inteligente…
Media, Palabra Final, Politics
Media Trying to Decipher the Nevada Hispanic Vote Strikes a Raw Nerve with Latino Community
LatinaLista — Yesterday, a Duke University political scientist released some preliminary findings of a study she is conducting on Latinos and declared that when it comes to choosing between Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, Latinos will choose Clinton. (Source:…
Diversity, Economy, Guest Voz
Guest Voz: Earl Ofari Hutchinson Talks about the “Latino Challenge to Black America”
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson LatinaLista Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author, syndicated columnist, political analyst and commentator. He has been a guest on the Today Show, Dateline, The Lehrer Hour, and BET News, America’s Black Forum. He is a…