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May 6, 2020

Perhaps the biggest blow to Trump’s ego (so far) is the May 16 virtual graduation commencement that will be nationally televised. The headlining commencement speaker is President Barack Obama. No doubt Trump will be tweeting his displeasure because, of…


May 1, 2020

Even with news of states loosening stay-at-home restrictions, financial hardships are mounting. Just look at the steady rise in unemployment filings — now standing at about 30.3 million. With so many not able to bring any money in to…


April 6, 2020

A new week brings a revision of information of what keeps us safe in these scary times. Now, the CDC is saying that the 6-feet mandatory social distancing may not be far enough and we all have to start…

By Eric Moreno SaludToday Heart disease does not discriminate, but Latina women are greatly affected by it. Latina women are more likely to develop heart disease 10 years earlier than non-Latinos, according to the American Heart Association. Often, the…

By Norma Espinosa Center for American Progress Over the past few months, the fight to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, or VAWA, has been caught up in the perpetually stifling congressional environment. Passed in 1994 VAWA was intended…